
Jürgen Ohlemacher
  • At CyPlus, we take our responsibility seriously and are proud to have once again been awarded the Ecovadis Gold label as part of the Röhm Group. This is the first time Röhm has made it into the top five percent of the more than 100,000 participating companies
  • Röhm received the EcoVadis Gold rating in 2023, which recognizes the company′s commitment to the environment, labor rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Röhm has been able to make continuous progress in the EcoVadis rating, with a particular focus last year on the additional carbon management rating, where the company transparently presented its climate and CO₂ reduction targets by 2050 and the roadmap to achieve them. This year, EcoVadis recognized Röhm's high standard of carbon management with 'Advanced' status.
  • Röhm aims to provide transparent information about the goals, measures, and results of its sustainability activities. In addition to participating in the EcoVadis rating, the company also publishes an annual non-financial declaration (NFD). The NFD is written in accordance with GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standard and contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. CyPlus plays a role in achieving this success by supporting the goals and activities within the Röhm Group.

Jürgen Ohlemacher
Head of ESHQ